CNES membership is open to scientific national election studies worldwide.
Member national election studies (as of November 2024)
Download the leaflet “Membership rights and obligations”
- The Consortium of National Election Studies is the network of scientific national election studies that conduct election voter surveys for national general elections.
- Members of CNES are scientific National Election Studies (NES), in principle one per country. Each NES names up to two representatives to CNES and has one vote.
The members of the consortium:
- Contribute to the development of common standards for data collections in collaboration with other comparative projects such as CSES;
- Commit to use standards for data collection in future election studies to facilitate comparative (cross-country and cross-project) research to the extent possible;
- Commit to conducting, if possible, and funding, a national election study in their country for national elections in accordance with the common standards as well as the relevant scientific standards for such data collections;
- Commit to FAIR principles for their data which includes sharing their data openly and without embargo, to the extent permitted by data protection regulations or funders, and make their data available for post-harmonisation in a CNES comparative data set that can be distributed to interested researchers through an established data archive;
- Share other relevant materials such as questionnaires, study design and fieldwork, legal and ethical information relevant for the study, funding and costs, campaign information and political context as defined by the consortium in accordance with agreed standards and without embargo;
- Appoint up to two members to represent the national election study in the plenary session